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Above the barbed-wire encircled compound where the barracks housing the prisoners used to stand, the monument to the dead stands, with rows of gravestones for French nationals who died in the many Nazi concentration camps, not just at Natzweiler. There are some Jewish stars in among the crosses.Photos and text copyright © Diana Mara Henry.
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Dr. Léon Boutbien, survivor, at the foot of the monument; Gilbert May,left in small group, Jewish Maquisard from Alsace with fellow survivors of KLNa; survivors and their descendants sharing a pleasant moment before presenting the flags; procession begins its tour of the camp, starting at the top barracks. Photos and text copyright © Diana Mara Henry.
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The man leading the procession is the son of a Jewish resistance organizer, the men in bowler hats are from the Norwegian delegation, carrying wreaths to be laid at the foot of the monument. So many groups lay wreaths, as can be seen; resistance groups from every department of France and from various resistance groups across the country; from other countries; the Roma, Sinti, and the Jews (blue and wite bouquet). Photos and text copyright © Diana Mara Henry.
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Two commemoration ceremonies are held at Natzweiler each year: one in June, at which the Socialists, Communists, and other groups gather, and one in September which the groups that refuse to mix with the Socialists and Communists attend. In the evening, torches are lit on the hillside by the barracks and the graves; and in 1998, the year these photos were taken, the ashes of Eugene Marlot, author of The Hell of Alsace, were scattered, as he had requested. Photo and text copyright © Diana Mara Henry.
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