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Daughter Jeanne remembers her father: For her complete memoir of his life and death in family the Resistance and the camps: click here


Jean and wife Marguerite (née Heintz) with their daughters, Georgette on the bicycle and Jeanne on the rocking horse, in 1941.

Jeanne L. has provided precious materials for this website about her father Jean Schmit. He "was incarcerated as a political prisoner from Luxembourg.  In 1942  he was taken during the night and we first heard from him when he was sent to  Hinzert, then transferred to Natzweiler where he was able to communicate with his family via mail , the first letter came July 13th, 1943. The  last letter my mother received was Feb. 26th 1944. No more news after that. "

Translation by Jeanne Schmit:

"Concentration Camp Natzweiler

Post Office: Rotau-Alsace

The following rules are to be obeyed when corresponding with a person:

1.) Twice each month the prisoner can send or receive a letter or postcards. The letters to the prisoners have to be written in ink and very legible. Only 15 lines are allowed per page. Only one size envelope can be used. Only 5 stamps of twelve pfennigs can be enclosed. Everyhthing else is forbidden and will be confiscated. Postcards can only have to lines. The use of photographs as postcards is not allowed.

2.) You can send money.

3.) Be sure that by money transfers you write the exact name of the prisoner, birthdate, prisoner camp number. Everyone who writes to the prisoner must use the exact same address; if not, it will be returned to the sender.

4.) Newspapers are allowed only if ordered through the postoffice at Natzweiler camp.

5.) Packages cannot be sent, the prisoners are able to buy everything they need at the camp store.

6.) Try to steal anything or trade with other prisoners and you will be punished.

7.) Remarks and backtalk with the camp leaders is also punishable. Talks and visits with the prisoners are strictly not allowed."

The Camp commander.

Sent by : Name: Schmit, Johann

Born: 30.3.08

Prisoner # 4161, Block [Barrack] O ( 17th)

The stamp features a portrait of Hitler and the posmark alludes to the pleasant summer climate and wintersports at Schirmeck-Rotau.

[Editor's Note: NN prisoners at the camp were not known to be there and their families could not correspond with them.]

Jeanne Schmit writes: "This is a postal receipt for money transferred to father when he was in Natzweiler. Date July 13th, 1943. This is the original.

See more documents about Jean Schmit's concentration camp internments and eventual disappearance..( click here. )


"A wife's heartache, a mother's pain" by Jeanne Schmit:

Jeanne's memoirs of her mother are continued....( click here )


"I remember back in 50's when we were allowed to look through my mother's large armoire drawer to see some guns and a machine gun, lots of war stuff, but I know that the weapons went to my mother's nephew because she did not want them in the house anymore. Those weapons were used by my mother to carry on my father's work with the Belgian resistance after he was taken away by the Gestapo." 


Jeanne writes further: "I was able to get in touch with Serge Hoffmann, he's the conservator at the Archives Nationales in the city of Luxembourg, and he was able to send me some detailed information and dates about all the camps my father was in,  and the last known place was Auschwitz, and on January 14th, 1945.  He believes that my father was sent to that most horrific camp, Dora, where he finally died. Mr. Hoffmann is sending me copies of all the documents in the Archives,  and having them in my hand will bring closure to this obsession I had of finding out what happened to my father. And having the letters he sent from Natzweiler, one especially for my fourth birthday, they will remain close in my heart."


"I received an email from my sister Georgette today, and she has some input as to the biography and the dangerous feats my father and his resistance comrades did to upset the progress of the German armies.... I also have a very touching letter written to my mother from another prisoner when my father was in the camp of Hinzert. I believe  that my father was unable to write at the time, maybe because of illness, and it read that my mother should destroy the letter after reading it, but she didn't.  I will make copies and send it to you, it is rather  interesting. I will get to busy and get my pen working to write our fathers  story, and I have hopes that it will  affect some people  interested in  works of the resistance. I will write again soon.  Jeanne"

Jeanne will keep us posted, so please check back for more information. "On september 22nd, I will fly to Lux. to visit with my sister, a trip I had planned some time ago,  and this will be a good time for us to take this search further. ...After 34 years living in the US,  I'm still proud to be a Luxembourger and of the work my father did with the French and Belgian resistance,  and the knowledge and heroism my mother told us kids about our father. In Luxembourg they will not let the future generations forget what happened between 1939 and 1945. "

[If you would like to write to Jeanne, you may do so at Bobobythesea@aol.com]

Jean Schmit is listed on page 79 "Tableau d'Honneur" [Honor Roll] of the "Golden Book of the Resistance in Luxemburg, 1940-1945"

in the chapter on Natzweiler-Struthof. [translation on request.]

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