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All photographs and images Copyright © Diana Mara Henry. No reproduction without permission. For personal use only. Email us or call 413-736-6414. Postage paid in US.

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Larry Rivers plays sax at the opening of his exhibit at Jewish Museum, NYC.

Copyright © Diana Mara Henry.

Jane Fonda addressing Women Office Workers to promote her upcoming film, Nine to Five. Copyright © Diana Mara Henry.

First Ladies Lady Bird Johnson, Rosalyn Carter, Betty Ford and Congresswoman Bella Abzug, holding the torch at the opening of the

First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX, 1977.

  Bill Clinton listening to George McGovern speak at the Democratic National Convention, Miami Beach, 1972. Postcard with Clinton signature on request.

Mary Dent Crisp, then co-chair of the Republican National Committee and later President of NARAL, at the First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX 1977.   Gloria Steinem holding baby ERA at the White House presentation of the official report to the President of the First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX 1977.
Posing for pictures at the NASA booth at the First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX 1977.
Preliminary workshop to the Women's Pentagon Action, 1979.

Avant-garde art festival at the World Trade Center, NYC, 1980
Delegate to the First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX 1977 wearing her issue.
Puerto Rican delegate to the First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX 1977.  

Delegates to the First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX 1977,

Collen Wong and Alice Bibeau

Grey Panther Betty Hamburger,delegate to the First National Women's Conference, Houston, TX 1977.

Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas delivers the keynote address at the

First National Women's Conference, Hosuton, TX 1977.

Activist lawyer Florynce Kennedy at ERA march in NYC, 1976
  James Brown entertaining the prisoners at Rikers Island House of Detention, NYC.
Belly dancer at the Renaissance Fair, California, 1971.
Women Office Workers Convention, NYC.
ERA march NYC 1976
Shirley MacLaine and the Ballets Trocadero de Monte Carlo.
ERA march, NYC, 1976.
Betty Friedan
Dashiki view of capitol.

"We didn't burn them" on bras at ERA celebration,

First National Women's Conference, Houston, 1977.

Awaiting her caesarian section, Mt. Sinai Hospital.
Coretta Scott King atthe First National Women's Conference Houston 1977.
Bella Abzug
  Last mile of torch relay entering the First National Women's Conference Houston 1977
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