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André manuscript account of his career on letterhead of

Mrs. André Scheinmann, 44 Wilson Street, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748


See French Department of Defense records of his service and attestation of his belonging to the networks


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Legion of Honor (Officer)

Medal of the Resistance (")

2 War Crosses with Palms

1 War Cross with Star

Volunteer Cross

Medal of the Deported




Military Activity:

1939: Volunteered for duty

Incorporated at the end of August 1939 into the 43rd Infantry regiment

Wounded in Belgium in 1940

Brought back in Ambulance train to Brittany

Prisoner of war in evacuation hospital

Escape in June 1940 in Rennes (Brittany)



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Search for work

Hired as interpreter at the French National Railroad

Named representative of the French Railroad (S.N.C.F.) delegated to the occupying authorities

Organization of a network of sabotage and intelligence across the expanse of all Brittany

Found a contact with the English

Newtwork 31

My number: 31 AQ

Intelligence reports sent to England every week August-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec 1940



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Until the arrest of the head of network

( A woman named Mrs. Lou[i]s)

Reestablished contact- with another intelligence

Network "Jonny"

This network after authorization of the English

Organized my departure from Occupied

France to England

Meatime established contact with

A Free French network named

"Over[c]Loud" which actually

helped me to go to England.

Detached from the French Authorities in

England to be officially [to next page]



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… to be part of the English I.S. 

(Intelligence Service)

I was taken in hand by the

head of the IS French section of

the I.S. commander Dunderdale

who had originally been part of

the British navy (commander of

a submarine)

an extraordinary man. My

superior was Mr. Thomas Green

who minded me when I was

in England. 



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The English don't know my name, They knew me under the name :

André Mauric Peulevey

Born 7/11/1915

Registration number I.S. 99421

In England, I was giving training

In parachuting, I learned to code

And decode.

They found me useful enough to

Designate a radio operator for me


Meanwhile in France the network

That had helped me had been

Infiltrated and the Gestapo were waiting for




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Immediately upon my return I was arrested and

Incarcerated in Paris at the prisone of

Fresne where more than 500 members of

Different networks were shut up

I spent 11 months in secret, in solitary,

And was interrogated 33 times. Through

It all I held on and revealed nothing about

What I knew of others. That

Probably saved my life, for the members

Of my first network 31 who had talked

Were all shot. I was deported in

July 1942 [Error: it was 1943]. My first camp was

Natzweiler/Struthof. My registration number

Was: 4368 category NN




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"Nacht u. Nebel" Night and Fog.

Evacuated in Dec. [Sept.] to Dachau where I was

Liberated by the 6th US army

(General Patton) Then returned to Paris

Reintegrated into the [French] army as Lt. Colonel.



In service in the US as a French officer in the Reserves, André tastes soup on a US army base.



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